
Archive for January 28th, 2011

One of the many reasons people exercise is to maintain a healthy body weight. Weighing too much (or too little) can be very harmful to your health. But what is a healthy body weight? The answer to that question depends on many factors, including your age, gender, height, body type and shape, health, and overall fitness.

Increasingly, our society is becoming obsessed with body weight and image. Many of the images we see on TV, in magazines, in films, and elsewhere stress the importance of an ‘ideal’ body that is often very unrealistic or even impossible. While it is important to remember that maintaining a healthy weight can lead to a healthier lifestyle, its also important to remember that people’s “natural” weight and body shapes vary greatly. Not everyone will be able to look model thin or muscle-man toned, no matter how often they exercise and how carefully they watch their diet.

Behaving in unhealthy ways (for example going on extreme diets, having an extreme exercise program, or taking unprescribed medicines or supplements) to try to change your body can do more damage than good. You should work with your doctor or healthcare provider to figure out what your healthiest body weight should be. Remember, that weight depends on many things, including whether you are male or female, your age, your height, and if you have any health issues. Losing weight can improve your health in many ways. Just losing 10% of your current weight can make a difference in the way you feel on a daily basis. Here are some other ways losing weight will benefit your health:

  1. Increased energy level
  2. Lower your cholesterol levels
  3. Reduce your blood pressure
  4. Reduced aches and pains
  5. Improved mobility
  6. Improve your breathing
  7. Help you sleep better and wake more rested
  8. Prevention of angina, chest pain caused by decreased oxygen to the heart
  9. Decreases your risk of sudden death from heart disease or stroke
  10. Prevention of Type 2 diabetes
  11. Improved blood sugar levels

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Weight Loss from regular physical activity using the Sauna Suit and a balanced diet provides enormous health benefits. Weight Loss can halve your risk of developing many major illnesses, and substantially reduce the risk of premature death.

Evidence shows that regular exercise in the Sauna Suit and an improved healthy diet leading to weight loss can:

  1. halve your risk of getting type 2 diabetes
  2. help to control diabetes and prevent long-term complications if you already have the condition halve your risk of developing coronary heart disease
  3. increase levels of HDL (‘good’ cholesterol)
  4. reduce high blood pressure
  5. promote bone density to protect against osteoporosis
  6. have beneficial effects if you have arthritis and lower back pain
  7. reduce your overall risk of cancer, prevent bowel cancer and reduce the risk of breast cancer in women after the menopause
  8. help to maintain a healthy weight in combination with a balanced diet
  9. reduce the risk of death or poor health if you’re already overweight or obese
  10. reduce your risk of depression and dementia in later life
  11. treat depression and anxiety
  12. help you to feel better about yourself and reduce stress
  13. improve your sleep
  14. help to promote healthy growth and development in children, as well as maintaining their energy balance, psychological wellbeing and social interaction

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Its common knowledge a healthy diet and regular exercise are important to obtain and maintain a balanced weight. The problem is implementing this into your day to day lifestyle is difficult. We’ve all tried crash diets hoping to lose 10lbs in a week for the summer holiday and failed, this is not the answer. Here at saunasuits.us we have created various products that will aid weight loss dramatically but we still rely on you to be motivated and disciplined in reaching your goals.

A lifestyle change is the idea of making healthier choices one decision at a time for the rest of your life.

For long term weight loss a person needs a well thought out plan of action in order to succeed at their lifestyle change.

  1. What changes do you need to make in your life?

    Changing different aspects of your life, for instance, how you schedule your day. Making time for exercise is vital. If you’re not use to regular exercise taking things slowly and finding exercise that you enjoy is a great way to start.

    Planning what and when you eat is also critical to ensure you maintain a healthy balanced diet.

  2. How are you going to attain them?

    You need to examine your day and plan when you can allocate time for exercise and eating.

    If exercise has not been regular in your lifestyle then it’s important to take things slowly at first to gradually incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Too many people go from one extreme to the other and soon get disheartened with exercise, the same applies with dieting. Now exercise does not necessarily mean going to the gym or running, being more generally active throughout the day is a good starting point. Going for a walk or trying to incorporate it into your daily life for example walking to the local shop instead of jumping in the car, taking the stairs instead of the escalator. Household chores such as vacuuming, gardening, and ironing are all great ways of burning calories. All these can be implemented into your life without massive change.

    In time you will be able to increase your exercise to more intentional methods such as power walking, jogging or cycling. Please explore our exercise section for a more in depth look into exercise routines and advice. Always remember to wear your Sauna suit during any form of exercise to ensure maximum weight loss is achieved.

  3. Remember if the way you live doesn’t allow for these changes, how far will you get?

    Support from family and friends will increase your chances of success. A person needs to determine how he or she will resist temptation to go back to the old lifestyle.

  4. Keep your goals realistic

    Setting goals is one way to ensure success in any weight loss effort. The mistake many dieters make is to set goals that are unrealistic. Rather than believing that you can lose all your extra pounds in a couple of weeks, make this goal more achievable by looking at it over a longer period of time. Make goals such as 1 or 2 lbs a week.

    When a goal cannot be reached it usually affects a person’s motivation resulting in disappointment and a greater chance of giving up. Success breads further success so achieving short-term realistic goals should be set to ensure you achieve them quickly to gain positive motivation. Setting goals and recording results can act as a framework for you to follow and help analyze how far you have come. By setting small and achievable goals you have a guide to help you reach your main ultimate goal!

  5. Relapse is a normal part of change

    A person needs to realize relapse is a normal part of change. A simple rule we find good to follow is be good 80% of the week and bad 20%. Life is for living and mentally it’s important not to make too many sacrifices.

    There’s no need to avoid certain food groups or feel guilty about eating a cookie. The key to managing a lifestyle change is to eat everything in moderation. Make healthy eating choices whenever possible and limit yourself to the odd treat you can’t resist.

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