
Archive for December 13th, 2010

When getting started with exercise in a Sauna Suit we will all have different fitness levels. We all have to realize this is the starting point, you have set your goals and now you are beginning the process of achieving those goals. The Sauna Suit is the most important item of training equipment you will need to ensure you will maximize your Sauna Suit weight loss.


And so we begin………


The best way to start is with walking in your Sauna Suit, set yourself a realistic distance. From there you will be able to asses your fitness and stamina.


Finding a Buddy


When choosing a buddy to exercise with its important to find someone who has a similar fitness level and achievable goals. Training in the Sauna Suit with someone is great as you can draw motivation and support from each other in reaching your goals.


Raising the Intensity


From walking in the Sauna Suit you can raise the intensity to power walking and eventually into running. Running in the Sauna Suit is one of the best forms of cardiovascular training.


Mixing It Up


Walking and running in a Sauna Suit can be fun to begin with but after time it can become tedious and it maybe time to mix things up. It’s important that your exercising in a Sauna Suit does not become a chore, find an activity you are interested in. Finding a sport you enjoy participating in for example a game of tennis or soccer can be great as we describe this as Disguised Fitness. Disguised Fitness means you are unaware at the time of exactly how much you are exercising as you are more focused on winning the point or scoring a goal. Many of these activities/sports can be done whilst using your Sauna Suit to ensure you maximize your weight loss.


Fitness Gyms – Good or Bad?


We would advise initially on not joining a fitness gym. Entering a state of the art gym can be a daunting prospect and an expensive commitment as they can have high joining fees as well as a long term payment plans.


You need to find what’s right for you first, cycling in a Sauna Suit is a wonderful example. You plan to go for a 15-minute bike ride and you are having such a good time it turns into an hour ride. That would not happen on a stationary bike in a gym.


In time you may feel a fitness gym is right for you but at least you have explored your options and you will get value for money once you decide to sign up as you know its right for you.


No Excuses


Cold or Wet weather is no longer an excuse with the Sauna Suit. Due to the “sauna effect” our Sauna suit creates you will be warm in no time at all and remember all our suits are waterproof.


Having a training buddy can be vital in those times of indecision of shall I exercise now or shall I stay on the sofa? Having someone to depend on to motivate you and likewise you motivate them will benefit both of you in reaching your goals.

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The Sauna Suit originated from Boxing and Martial Arts. Losing Weight for contests is a vital aspect of these sports and Sauna Suits are commonly used from novice boxers to world champions. World Champion boxers such as Manny Pacquiao, Miguel Cotto and Ricky Hatton to name a few have all used Sauna Suits as part of their training routine.

Boxing Training in the Sauna Suit is an excellent form of exercise and a great discipline to learn. Boxing training involves a variety of different aspects including running, boxing technique, skipping, bag work (hitting punch bags), pad work, sparring and circuit training. Boxers are without doubt one of the fittest athletes in the world of sport as the training takes immense personal dedication with training and dieting. Boxing can also help with increasing self esteem and confidence.

Boxers use the Sauna Suit to accelerate weight loss during exercise by increasing your metabolic rate and calorie burning. This means not only does exercising in the Sauna Suit require more energy but the Sauna Suit stimulates your body to burn fat. This means that instead of using carbs or muscle tissue, fat is the fuel of choice, meaning you lose weight in an effective manner. It is fact that exercising in the heat really can “burn off” the pounds.

For boxers who have to weigh in for contests the Sauna Suit is vital piece of training equipment. The Sauna Suit will help lose water weight and this can be a great benefit to those that hold excess water weight. This is also known as “cutting weight” and once the weigh in is completed the boxer can rehydrate with fluids.

Most towns or cities will have a local boxing club offering classes to beginners and boxing fitness classes. The majority of fitness gyms will either have a punch bag or a boxing based fitness class such as boxercise.

Boxing is a great sport to take up especially if you suffer with knee problems, certain aspects of the training would have to be avoided but even just punching the bags is a great workout.

A Basic Boxing Routine

Each round is 3 minutes long

2 x Rounds Warm Up (Stretch and Loosen Up)

3 x Rounds Skipping

3 x Rounds Shadow Boxing

4 x Rounds Punch Bags

2 x Circuit – Ton Up 10 x 10

2 x Rounds Cool Down (Stretch and Loosen Off)

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weightloss sauna suit

In this article we will explain the best way to maximize the use of the sauna suit and give you a 8 step plan to successful long term weight loss. The Sauna Suit is a vital piece of training equipment for successful healthy weight loss.

1 Set a goal for yourself and get real about achieving it.

If losing body fat is what you want to do, you must be willing to achieve it at all costs. A simple and realistic aim could be to lose 1 to 1.5 lbs a week.

2 Start a regular exercise programme using a Sauna Suit and stick with it.

You need to look at doing intensive cardiovascular workouts (average 30 minutes) 3-4 times a week. With all exercise programs you will need to use the Sauna Suit to maximize your weight loss.

Cardiovascular training is is where the majority of the calorie burning takes place and increases your metabolic rate meaning that the rest of the day you will burn off more calories. The ‘sauna effect’ that the Sauna Suit creates during exercise will increase the body’s temperature therefore increasing your metabolism and calorie expenditure.

Intensive weight training is also key to long term weight loss. Weight training has a more long term aspect to burning fat. When you add muscle to your frame your body has to expend more energy to maintain that muscle.

Also you should encourage routine day to day exercise in to your lifestyle. Simple things like parking at the far end of the car park and walk; take the stairs instead of the elevator.

3 Eat 5-6 small meals a day.

This is important in keeping your metabolism efficiently burning calories. Constantly grazing on meals every 3 hours will allow your body to burn off what it has consumed quicker and more efficiently.

Eating one or two larger meals will actually cause your body’s metabolism to slow down. Skipping meals altogether will actually cause your body to store fat as a defense mechanism.

Learn to prepare healthful, low-calorie foods that taste good by checking healthy cook books for new recipes. Eating well doesn’t have to mean eating dull.

4 Drink plenty of water.
It’s importance cannot be stated enough, especially when it comes to fat-loss and fitness training. Try to drink 3-4 litres of water a day. This is also vital as you use the Sauna Suit to workout you will loose more water as you sweat.

5 Plan ahead.

Keep the fridge stocked with healthful food and you’ll be less likely to run out for high-calorie, high-fat junk food.

6 Keep a food diary.

You need to figure out your daily calorie intake and reduce it. The only effective way to long term fat reduction is to ensure your calorie intake is less than the amount of calories you are expending.

7 Snack times.

Snack on fruit and vegetables in between meals instead of high fat and/or sugary snacks like biscuits, crisps or chocolate. Have breakfast otherwise you are likely to be very hungry by mid-morning and tempted to snack.

8 Give it your best shot.

Long term weight loss can only be achieved by a change in lifestyle. The Sauna Suit is a great piece of training equipment to help you in the weight loss battle but at the end of the day it comes down to you, so give it your best shot!

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